6 ways to improve your mental health
- Keep active
Evidence has shown that keeping active in your day-to-day life can cause chemical changes in your mind which help to positively change your mood. It also helps raise your self-esteem and gives you a sense of achievement after reaching your goals, and of course, it helps you rid some of that pent-up energy and anxiety.
Keeping active doesn’t mean you need to go to the gym every day for over 2 hours: it could mean going for a swim, or to a yoga or pilates class, or it could mean lifting weights or going for a nice walk in the park. The options are limitless, and rest assured, everyone can find something that they enjoy and keeps them active.
- Maintain a healthy diet
Eating a well-balanced diet on a daily basis will lead to you feeling healthier over time which will help to boost your mental health. Of course, a brownie now and then never hurts, but be sure to get in those fruits and veggies!
Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day can help boost your overall sense of well-being and keep you from becoming dehydrated. In terms of drinking alcohol, it’s better to drink in moderation to keep you in a good head space. Drinking too much at things like work events, can lead to further anxiety the next day if you slip up and say or do something you shouldn’t…
- Keep in touch with friends and family
When you become stressed, anxious, or are just in a mental slump, it can be easy to retreat and not make the time to keep in touch with friends and family – but it’s at these times when we may need them the most. Healthy relationships can help you build a sense of belonging and self-worth, they give you opportunities to go out and be able to turn your brain off for a little while, and these connections can provide you with helpful emotional support.
Your friends and family want to be there for you, but sometimes it’s not always evident when you’re having mental health challenges, so you need to be direct in letting them know you’re struggling a bit so they can help you get back to feeling like your best self again.
- Volunteer to help someone else
One of the best things to do when you’re feeling your mental health begin to slip is to help someone else. Whether this is volunteering at a nursing home or children’s museum, helping at a food kitchen, or playing with the dogs and cats at an animal shelter, these small acts of kindness can help you see how lucky you are and help regain a sense of wider purpose. Making other people’s day will be sure to add a smile to your face, and not only will you be helping improve their life, but you may make some lifelong connections through the process who may change yours. Who knows, maybe you’ll even leave the animal shelter with a furry new friend.
- Do something your good at or learn a new skill
Taking a break from the normal stresses of life by doing something you love can instantly boost your mood. You’ll feel successful and it will help to raise your self-confidence and self-esteem.
If you have the time, you can also try to learn something new. From learning to spin pottery on the wheel, to learning how to play the piano, or learning a new language, it will help give you something new to focus on while also giving you a sense of achievement and joy.
- Take a break
Sometimes all we really need is a day off to help get us back on the path towards a healthy mental state. Take a Saturday or Sunday to yourself, go for a nice long walk in the park, have tea while taking a bubble bath, watch re-runs of your favourite show while eating a takeaway, just try to take a break from the lemons life can throw at you.
And if you really need a getaway, take some time off and head down to a sunny beach with a good book.